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Demonetisation and Beauty Parlour Business

1 Dept. of Commerce, Tripura Central University, West Tripura, India

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The present study has attempted to assess the aftermath of demonetisation in beauty parlour business. Adopting cross-sectional study design through survey it has gathered data from randomly chosen 82 sample ladies beauty parlour owners from Tripura. Based on literature, it has formed two research hypotheses with a conceptual model to assess the impacts of demonetisation. The inferential statistics have indicated different push and pull factors along with business expertise have motivated to commence the business; demonetisation has created cash crunch which, in turn, has compelled them to switch over to digital payment system. The study has pointed out limitations, research significance, and future research directions.


Demonetisation, Survey, Cash Crunch, Digital Payment.
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  • Demonetisation and Beauty Parlour Business

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Rajat Deb
Dept. of Commerce, Tripura Central University, West Tripura, India
Nandita Rudra Paul
Dept. of Commerce, Tripura Central University, West Tripura, India


The present study has attempted to assess the aftermath of demonetisation in beauty parlour business. Adopting cross-sectional study design through survey it has gathered data from randomly chosen 82 sample ladies beauty parlour owners from Tripura. Based on literature, it has formed two research hypotheses with a conceptual model to assess the impacts of demonetisation. The inferential statistics have indicated different push and pull factors along with business expertise have motivated to commence the business; demonetisation has created cash crunch which, in turn, has compelled them to switch over to digital payment system. The study has pointed out limitations, research significance, and future research directions.


Demonetisation, Survey, Cash Crunch, Digital Payment.
