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Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development

1 YMCA-UST, Faridabad, Haryana, India

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Sustainopreneurship is an emerging issue as society is looking for solutions leading to sustainable development. For sustainable development, environmental issues related to degradation and depletion, public health care issues related to availability and distribution of medicine for public welfare along with economic issues related to unemployment and dearness offer opportunity for entrepreneurs. Sustainopreneurship can help to resolve these issues. The present study is focused on various aspects of sustainable development. The paper explores how sustainopreneurship can lead to a socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable society.


Entrepreneurship, Sustainopreneurship, Sustainable Society, Economic System.
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  • Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development

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Manisha Goel
YMCA-UST, Faridabad, Haryana, India
Bhagwati Prasad Joshi
YMCA-UST, Faridabad, Haryana, India


Sustainopreneurship is an emerging issue as society is looking for solutions leading to sustainable development. For sustainable development, environmental issues related to degradation and depletion, public health care issues related to availability and distribution of medicine for public welfare along with economic issues related to unemployment and dearness offer opportunity for entrepreneurs. Sustainopreneurship can help to resolve these issues. The present study is focused on various aspects of sustainable development. The paper explores how sustainopreneurship can lead to a socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable society.


Entrepreneurship, Sustainopreneurship, Sustainable Society, Economic System.
