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Factors Influencing Sole Proprietors' Business Performance

1 Project Fellow for UGC’s Major Research Project, Department of Commerce, Pondicherry University Community College, Lawspet, Pondicherry, India

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Sole proprietorship’s business performance is the most neglected area of research. With taking up this crucial gap as the research objective, this study has been done among 200 sole proprietors in Puducherry with the main intention of assessing their business performance. Business policies, supplier’s relationships, customer’s relationships, sole proprietor’s views towards the organization and the entrepreneurial empowerment are the factors inducing the business performance. For this purpose, the collected data are assessed using one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation and the multiple regression analysis. Supplier’s relationships and the entrepreneurial empowerment are the significant influencing factor of the business performance and the entrepreneurial empowerment is identified as the most inducing construct of the business performance. Study also found that the number of children influences the business performance of the entrepreneurs. Suggestions such as alteration in the business hours and using the help of the dependents for meeting their childcare needs without disturbing the business performance have been provided.


Business Policies, Supplier’s Relationships, Customer’s Relationships, Sole Proprietor’s Views Towards The Organization, Entrepreneurial Empowerment, Business Performance.
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  • Factors Influencing Sole Proprietors' Business Performance

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R. Sankar
Project Fellow for UGC’s Major Research Project, Department of Commerce, Pondicherry University Community College, Lawspet, Pondicherry, India


Sole proprietorship’s business performance is the most neglected area of research. With taking up this crucial gap as the research objective, this study has been done among 200 sole proprietors in Puducherry with the main intention of assessing their business performance. Business policies, supplier’s relationships, customer’s relationships, sole proprietor’s views towards the organization and the entrepreneurial empowerment are the factors inducing the business performance. For this purpose, the collected data are assessed using one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation and the multiple regression analysis. Supplier’s relationships and the entrepreneurial empowerment are the significant influencing factor of the business performance and the entrepreneurial empowerment is identified as the most inducing construct of the business performance. Study also found that the number of children influences the business performance of the entrepreneurs. Suggestions such as alteration in the business hours and using the help of the dependents for meeting their childcare needs without disturbing the business performance have been provided.


Business Policies, Supplier’s Relationships, Customer’s Relationships, Sole Proprietor’s Views Towards The Organization, Entrepreneurial Empowerment, Business Performance.
