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Reasons to Create Intention of Entrepreneurship Among University Students: A Study on Bangladesh
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This paper examines factors which stimulate in taking decision on entrepreneurship aiming to explore the responsible ones to create the necessary intention. This is an empirical and quantitative study conducted on some university students of Bangladesh. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed to the students who had completed the course "Entrepreneurship Development and Small Business Management" from different universities of Dhaka City in Bangladesh. A total of 261 students completed the questionnaire properly. The results indicate that desire for independence highly influences the entrepreneurial intention of the students. Parallel factors, e.g., locus of control and proactiveness also influence entrepreneurial intention and are stronger than the other factors like risk taking propensity and entrepreneurship education. The work suggests that psychological characteristics are crucial in developing entrepreneurial personality. Additionally, it stresses on necessity of entrepreneurship education having proper psychological characteristics to create intention of entrepreneurship among the students.
Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Locus of Control, Desire for Independence, Proactiveness, Need for Achievement, Risk Taking Propensity, Entrepreneurship Education.
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