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Effect of Market Orientation and Entrepreneurial Orientation on Innovation

1 Islamic Azad University Gorgan Branch Gorgan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
2 College of International Management and Graduate School of Management Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan

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Continuous environmental changes are forcing firms to adapt an appropriate strategic approach and match its strengths with environmental opportunities. Researchers in marketing and strategic management have shown the relationship between marketing and entrepreneurship with the organizational operation in different industries. In spite of the effects of such variables on the innovation of products, these are less considered by Iran's auto parts manufacturers. Considering the importance of market orientation and entrepreneurship orientation approaches for the maintenance of organizations and confrontation with the rivals, the present research investigates the effect of such variables on the innovation of new products. The research findings will provide the managers with appropriate information for the adoption of a strategic balanced approach.


Entrepreneurship Orientation, Market Orientation, Innovation of Product, Auto Parts Manufacturing

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  • Effect of Market Orientation and Entrepreneurial Orientation on Innovation

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Ali Reza Maatoofi
Islamic Azad University Gorgan Branch Gorgan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Kayhan Tajeddini
College of International Management and Graduate School of Management Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan


Continuous environmental changes are forcing firms to adapt an appropriate strategic approach and match its strengths with environmental opportunities. Researchers in marketing and strategic management have shown the relationship between marketing and entrepreneurship with the organizational operation in different industries. In spite of the effects of such variables on the innovation of products, these are less considered by Iran's auto parts manufacturers. Considering the importance of market orientation and entrepreneurship orientation approaches for the maintenance of organizations and confrontation with the rivals, the present research investigates the effect of such variables on the innovation of new products. The research findings will provide the managers with appropriate information for the adoption of a strategic balanced approach.


Entrepreneurship Orientation, Market Orientation, Innovation of Product, Auto Parts Manufacturing
