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Assessment of Construct Validity in Management Research

1 Training & Career Development Division Department of Human Resources Saudi Industrial Development Fund P.O. Box 4143, Riyadh 11149, Saudi Arabia

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The use of unobservable constructs in management research is common. But an error in measuring a construct may have a serious effect on research findings. To bring rigor in research, it is therefore, essential for the researcher to first establish an evidence of construct validity before testing the theory. Construct validity is a complex process and often a researcher looks for an adequate framework to negotiate this. This paper explains the importance of construct validity in management research and provides a structured framework for assessing it.


Construct Validity, Content/face Validity, Trait Validity, Nomological Validity

  • Assessment of Construct Validity in Management Research

Abstract Views: 935  |  PDF Views: 1


Siddhartha S Brahma
Training & Career Development Division Department of Human Resources Saudi Industrial Development Fund P.O. Box 4143, Riyadh 11149, Saudi Arabia


The use of unobservable constructs in management research is common. But an error in measuring a construct may have a serious effect on research findings. To bring rigor in research, it is therefore, essential for the researcher to first establish an evidence of construct validity before testing the theory. Construct validity is a complex process and often a researcher looks for an adequate framework to negotiate this. This paper explains the importance of construct validity in management research and provides a structured framework for assessing it.


Construct Validity, Content/face Validity, Trait Validity, Nomological Validity
