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Competitive Strategy Research

1 Department of Marketing & Management College of Business & Technology Texas A&M University Commerce, Texas

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Although much has been learned about competitive strategy over the past several decades, critical challenges remain. Given the recent development and restructuring of the "new economy," a reassessment of the strategy construct, the measurement of business performance, and the link between research and practice is germane. Recommendations are proposed for new research directions in the field.


Industrial Organizations, Strategic Group, Competitive Strategy Typology, Resource-based Theory, Businesses Strategic Classification, Managerial Consensus, Performance Measurement

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  • Competitive Strategy Research

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John A. Parnell
Department of Marketing & Management College of Business & Technology Texas A&M University Commerce, Texas


Although much has been learned about competitive strategy over the past several decades, critical challenges remain. Given the recent development and restructuring of the "new economy," a reassessment of the strategy construct, the measurement of business performance, and the link between research and practice is germane. Recommendations are proposed for new research directions in the field.


Industrial Organizations, Strategic Group, Competitive Strategy Typology, Resource-based Theory, Businesses Strategic Classification, Managerial Consensus, Performance Measurement
