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Open Access Open Access Open Access  Restricted Access Restricted Access Subscription Access

Control of Business Process Outsourcing Relationships

1 BLS Institute of Management Ghaziabad - 201007, India
2 University School of Management Studies GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi - 110006, India
3 Wipro BPO Philippines Ltd. Inc. Cebu City, Philippines 6000, India

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The better service levels and cost-savings have made business process outsourcing (BPO) one of the fastest-growing business practices. The greatest challenge of BPO is of control. Managers are accustomed to having direct control over the resources to deliver the results for which they are accountable. With BPO, these controls are in the hands of the provider. How the control issue is handled can mean the difference between adequate results and high performing outsourcing that delivers beyond expectations. This paper explores how control modes are implemented during business process outsourcing relationships and investigates why stakeholders implement particular combinations of control modes.

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  • Control of Business Process Outsourcing Relationships

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Aparna Daityari
BLS Institute of Management Ghaziabad - 201007, India
A. K. Saini
University School of Management Studies GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi - 110006, India
Romit Gupta
Wipro BPO Philippines Ltd. Inc. Cebu City, Philippines 6000, India


The better service levels and cost-savings have made business process outsourcing (BPO) one of the fastest-growing business practices. The greatest challenge of BPO is of control. Managers are accustomed to having direct control over the resources to deliver the results for which they are accountable. With BPO, these controls are in the hands of the provider. How the control issue is handled can mean the difference between adequate results and high performing outsourcing that delivers beyond expectations. This paper explores how control modes are implemented during business process outsourcing relationships and investigates why stakeholders implement particular combinations of control modes.
