Organizational Climate as a Dependent Variable
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Models for predicting motives of organizational climate from personal, role stress and coping strategy variables have been developed in this paper by using step-wise multiple regression. Six motives of organizational climate, ten types of role stress and eight types of coping strategy were measured on 155 randomly selected executives in a public sector industry. Three personal variables (age, management level and qualification) were also recorded for each respondent. Self-Role Distance emerged as a determinant of Achievement, having a negative relationship. Qualification level, Self-Role Distance and Personal Inadequacy emerged as determinants of Expert Influence with the first two factors having negative relationships and the last factor having a positive one. Role Overload and Personal Inadequacy emerged as determinants of Extension, both having positive relationships. Self-Role Distance, Personal Inadequacy and Role Isolation emerged as determinants of Control, with the first and third factors having positive relationships and the second factor having a negative one. Role Stagnation and Personal Inadequacy emerged as determinants of Dependency, with the first factor having a positive relationship and the second factor having a negative one. Intropersistive coping strategy emerged as a determinant of Affiliation, having a positive relationship.
Organizational Climate, Role Stress, Coping Strategy