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Board Structure in Indian Companies

1 Faculty of Management Studies University of Delhi Delhi 110007

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Board structuring is central to corporate governance. This paper deals with this theme in the Indian context. It analyzes the prevailing corporate management structure by studying the data of 100 companies operating in India. It highlights the changes that have come about due to the onset of liberalization in India over a period of time. Some of the other issues that have been examined in it include board size and corporate efficiency, replacement of the system of one-man chief executive, professionalism in corporate boards, age limit for directors, worker directors, introduction of two-tier boards, etc. The findings of the study and its policy implications have practical utility for law makers and practitioners.


Board Structure, Corporate Governance, Directors? Attributes, Institutional Directors, Multiple Directorships, Two-tier Boards, Workers? Representation

  • Board Structure in Indian Companies

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S K Tuteja
Faculty of Management Studies University of Delhi Delhi 110007


Board structuring is central to corporate governance. This paper deals with this theme in the Indian context. It analyzes the prevailing corporate management structure by studying the data of 100 companies operating in India. It highlights the changes that have come about due to the onset of liberalization in India over a period of time. Some of the other issues that have been examined in it include board size and corporate efficiency, replacement of the system of one-man chief executive, professionalism in corporate boards, age limit for directors, worker directors, introduction of two-tier boards, etc. The findings of the study and its policy implications have practical utility for law makers and practitioners.


Board Structure, Corporate Governance, Directors? Attributes, Institutional Directors, Multiple Directorships, Two-tier Boards, Workers? Representation
