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A Longitudinal Study of the Impact of Intrapreneurial Programs in fortune 500 Firms

1 Employee Development, Relations, and Assistance Programs, Clemson University Perimeter Road, Clemson South Carolina 29634–5337
2 School of Business Saint Leo University Saint Leo, FL 33574

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The global impact of intrapreneurship has become more evident in major corporations both nationally and internationally and while much research effort has focused on the entrepreneur, the concept of taking the idea into the corporate arena requires not only differing terminology, but also a completely different set of standards (Sarbough-Thompson, 1998; Macmillian, 1986). Eight years ago the researchers investigated the impact of intrapreneurship and related programs within Fortune 500 corporations. The purpose of this study is to provide a longitudinal investigation as to the continued impact of intrapreneurial activity within the specified corporations. This research initiative includes the responses of nine of the initial respondents in an attempt to determine current status as to the concept and to investigate further nuances that drive their success.


Intrapreneruship, Intrapreneurial Programs, Corporate Performances

  • A Longitudinal Study of the Impact of Intrapreneurial Programs in fortune 500 Firms

Abstract Views: 717  |  PDF Views: 1


Melissa H Marcus
Employee Development, Relations, and Assistance Programs, Clemson University Perimeter Road, Clemson South Carolina 29634–5337
Thomas W. Zimmerer
School of Business Saint Leo University Saint Leo, FL 33574


The global impact of intrapreneurship has become more evident in major corporations both nationally and internationally and while much research effort has focused on the entrepreneur, the concept of taking the idea into the corporate arena requires not only differing terminology, but also a completely different set of standards (Sarbough-Thompson, 1998; Macmillian, 1986). Eight years ago the researchers investigated the impact of intrapreneurship and related programs within Fortune 500 corporations. The purpose of this study is to provide a longitudinal investigation as to the continued impact of intrapreneurial activity within the specified corporations. This research initiative includes the responses of nine of the initial respondents in an attempt to determine current status as to the concept and to investigate further nuances that drive their success.


Intrapreneruship, Intrapreneurial Programs, Corporate Performances
