Review:Wireless Communication Standards of Vehicular Networks
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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) terminology comes into existence in 2002 as accident rates are increased on roads and demand for safety information and infotainment is increased.Vehicular networks plays vital role to control traffic and manage it. VANET is a driving force for ITS, is a subclass of mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs), and an emerging technology to enable communications among vehicles to provide intelligent transportation applications. Vehicles are coming with high computing power within itself which is a promising approach for traffic security, infotainment and V2V communication in order to provide stable connections between vehicles. VANET's have special characteristics like high mobility and frequent changes of network topology create some challenging technical issues and also made separate from ad hoc network than from MANET. Automated computation is an important requirement of ITS in present world. Future transport systems must make decisions automatically, analyze input information and act accordingly. So to solve this problem VANET needs new transformation of information dissemination at anytime, anywhere and anything for ITS applications in which communication standards play vital role. In this paper we briefly give the review of VANET and VANET standards.
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