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High Speed Public Key Encryption using Hyperboloid for Work from Home

1 Faculty, BCA Department, Government College of Commerce & Business Administration, Chandigarh, India

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The novel cryptosystem was designed to be fast and secure for cloud. Circle was used for encryption. A 3D hyperbola was used for decryption. Mathematical properties were used to ensure that an eavesdropper could not perform side-channel attacks. The number of equations which an eavesdropper had was lesser than the number of unknowns for every block. The cryptosystem could work anywhere from smartwatches to supercomputer. It was designed to be flexible. 3D hyperboloid cryptosystem could work as both stream and block cipher. There was no restriction on key size and block size. Confusion and diffusion were measured as parameters for security. It is a complete encryption type cryptosystem. Performance and security analysis was performed both in terms of hardware and software implementations. Problem of key management, handling and key distribution was solved. Experimental results indicate that the proposed cryptosystem was faster than both symmetric and asymmetric key cryptosystems.


ECC, Public key cryptography, Quantum computer, Quantum encryption, RSA.
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  • High Speed Public Key Encryption using Hyperboloid for Work from Home

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Kunal Gagneja
Faculty, BCA Department, Government College of Commerce & Business Administration, Chandigarh, India


The novel cryptosystem was designed to be fast and secure for cloud. Circle was used for encryption. A 3D hyperbola was used for decryption. Mathematical properties were used to ensure that an eavesdropper could not perform side-channel attacks. The number of equations which an eavesdropper had was lesser than the number of unknowns for every block. The cryptosystem could work anywhere from smartwatches to supercomputer. It was designed to be flexible. 3D hyperboloid cryptosystem could work as both stream and block cipher. There was no restriction on key size and block size. Confusion and diffusion were measured as parameters for security. It is a complete encryption type cryptosystem. Performance and security analysis was performed both in terms of hardware and software implementations. Problem of key management, handling and key distribution was solved. Experimental results indicate that the proposed cryptosystem was faster than both symmetric and asymmetric key cryptosystems.


ECC, Public key cryptography, Quantum computer, Quantum encryption, RSA.
