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Experimental Based Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11/g Hybrid Network

1 Department of MCA, Department of MCA, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India
2 Department of Computer Science, NIMS University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

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The performance of IEEE 802.11/g hybrid network consisting of wired nodes, a mobile access point and mobile wireless nodes where the mobile access point is moving from one point to another to make the mobile wireless nodes or mobile hosts communicate is analysed. Taking into consideration the strong drive towards the wireless internet access through the mobile terminals, the impact on the performance of the network due to the mobile access point is analysed and examined. The result of the simulation based upon the experiment demonstrates the performance factors like throughput, packet delivery ratio and average delay over the conventional hybrid network. The whole simulation is done and analysed by using network simulator NS-2.35. It concludes on the performed throughput, packet delivery ratio and average delay.


IEEE 802.11/g, Hybrid Network, Access Point, Mobile Hosts Network Simulator, NS2.35, Throughput, Packet-Delivery-Ratio, Average Delay
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  • Experimental Based Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11/g Hybrid Network

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Atul M. Gosai
Department of MCA, Department of MCA, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India
Uditnarayan Kar
Department of Computer Science, NIMS University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Bhargavi H Goswami
Department of MCA, Department of MCA, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India


The performance of IEEE 802.11/g hybrid network consisting of wired nodes, a mobile access point and mobile wireless nodes where the mobile access point is moving from one point to another to make the mobile wireless nodes or mobile hosts communicate is analysed. Taking into consideration the strong drive towards the wireless internet access through the mobile terminals, the impact on the performance of the network due to the mobile access point is analysed and examined. The result of the simulation based upon the experiment demonstrates the performance factors like throughput, packet delivery ratio and average delay over the conventional hybrid network. The whole simulation is done and analysed by using network simulator NS-2.35. It concludes on the performed throughput, packet delivery ratio and average delay.


IEEE 802.11/g, Hybrid Network, Access Point, Mobile Hosts Network Simulator, NS2.35, Throughput, Packet-Delivery-Ratio, Average Delay
