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Job Involvement and Role Conflict among Government and Private Sector Employees
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The aim of the study was to (i) find out the difference in the level of job involvement and role conflict among government and private employees; and (ii) find out the difference in the level of Job Involvement and Role conflict among male and female employees. (2) find out the difference in the level of Job Involvement and Role conflict among male and female employees. Design: The study was done on 120 employees out of which 60 are government employees and 60 are private employees. The scale of role conflict developed by Kopelman, Greenhaus and Connoly (1983) (Work Conflict, Family Conflict and Inter Role Conflict) and Job Involvement Scale developed by Ashok Pratap Singh (1997) were used for assessment. The result indicates that there is no significant difference between the government and private employees with regard to role conflict and job involvement. Whereas there is a significant difference in the Work Conflict, Family Conflict and Inter role Conflict between them. The result also indicates that there is no gender difference with regard to Job involvement and Role Conflict except the Work Conflict. Further there is significant difference in the level of Work Conflict of Male and Female Employees. Female employees were experiencing less Work Conflict than male employees.
Job Involvement, Role Conflict, Work Conflict, Family Conflict, Inter Role Conflict
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