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Essence and Consequences of Stress in the Workplace
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Stress has been a popular field of research for many researchers working in the area of psychology, organizational behavior, health and medicine. Significant amount of empirical research has been done to analyze the relationship between various individual and organizational factors with job stress, moreover the consequences of job stress has also been analyzed by researchers. In the light of available literature, this paper attempts to discuss the key concepts in the field of job stress since its inception. Further, it attempts to propose a comprehensive theoretical model which explains relationship between individual and work related sources with job stress. The present work must be valued for documenting the advances in the field of job stress, and for depicting it's interactions with some of the important individual and organizational level variables. The model proposed can provide a foundation for further empirical research.
Antecedents And Consequences of Stress, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Stress, Job Stress
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