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Investigation of Synthesis Methods and Dope Type Effect on Conductivity and Luminescence Properties for CeO2 Compounds

1 Department of Energy System Engineering, Kahramanmaraş İstiklal University, Kahramanmaraş, 46300, Turkey
2 Institute of Science, Material Science and Engineering, KahramanmaraşSütçü İmam University Kahramanmaraş, 46050, Turkey
3 Department of Chemistry Processing Technologies, Kayseri University, Kayseri, Turkey
4 Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University Karaman, Turkey

The aim of this study is to investigate how the materials synthesized by both methods affect the luminescence and electrical properties. Also, another purpose is to examine the effect of doping types on optics and conductivity. At the end of the synthesis, X-Ray diffractometer (XRD) was used to examine the crystal structure and the possible different phases that may occur, Raman spectroscopy analysis was used to obtain information about the symmetry properties of the formed structure and the appearance of different vibration modes and the degradation (defect) formed in the structure. Photoluminescence (PL) Spectroscopy measurements at room temperature were employed. The peaks in the excitation spectrum at approximately 446 nm ( 5 I8 5 G6) correspond to the 4f-5d transition of the Ce3+ ion. Specific surface area analysis was performed using Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET). FE-SEM image was taken for morphological analysis of the structure. The ionic conductivity of the pelletized powder ceramic undoped CeO2and La3+ , and Ho3+ doped CeO2 electrolyte was measured by impedance spectroscopy. The temperature value of the Ce0.85La0.10Ho0.05 O2 sample synthesized by the high conductivity hydrothermal method was found as 5.64x10 -3 Ω.cm -1 at 750 with the best conductivity result.
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  • Investigation of Synthesis Methods and Dope Type Effect on Conductivity and Luminescence Properties for CeO2 Compounds

Abstract Views: 201  |  PDF Views: 115


Handan Ozlu Torun
Department of Energy System Engineering, Kahramanmaraş İstiklal University, Kahramanmaraş, 46300, Turkey
Rabia Kırkgecit
Institute of Science, Material Science and Engineering, KahramanmaraşSütçü İmam University Kahramanmaraş, 46050, Turkey
Fatma Kilic Dokan
Department of Chemistry Processing Technologies, Kayseri University, Kayseri, Turkey
Esra Ozturk
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University Karaman, Turkey


The aim of this study is to investigate how the materials synthesized by both methods affect the luminescence and electrical properties. Also, another purpose is to examine the effect of doping types on optics and conductivity. At the end of the synthesis, X-Ray diffractometer (XRD) was used to examine the crystal structure and the possible different phases that may occur, Raman spectroscopy analysis was used to obtain information about the symmetry properties of the formed structure and the appearance of different vibration modes and the degradation (defect) formed in the structure. Photoluminescence (PL) Spectroscopy measurements at room temperature were employed. The peaks in the excitation spectrum at approximately 446 nm ( 5 I8 5 G6) correspond to the 4f-5d transition of the Ce3+ ion. Specific surface area analysis was performed using Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET). FE-SEM image was taken for morphological analysis of the structure. The ionic conductivity of the pelletized powder ceramic undoped CeO2and La3+ , and Ho3+ doped CeO2 electrolyte was measured by impedance spectroscopy. The temperature value of the Ce0.85La0.10Ho0.05 O2 sample synthesized by the high conductivity hydrothermal method was found as 5.64x10 -3 Ω.cm -1 at 750 with the best conductivity result.