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Core Loss Study of Different Structures of Terfenol-D Rods

1 School of Physics and Information Technology, Shaanxi Normal University, No. 620 West Chang'an Street, Chang'an District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, 710 119, China

To efficiently use Terfenol-D rods, six of its structures were studied. Finite element analysis was used to estimate and compare the hysteresis, eddy current, and coil resistance losses of the six Terfenol-D rods. The loss factors of the rods were calculated and analyzed. Furthermore, three structures of Terfenol-D rods were manufactured, and the loss factors of the rods were measured. The results showed that an untreated rod had the largest hysteresis and eddy current losses on the outer diameter surface, and the overall hysteresis loss of the rod was the smallest. Compared with the untreated rod, the eddy current and hysteresis losses on the outer diameter surface of sliced and slit rods reduced, the overall hysteresis loss of sliced and slit rods increased, and the overall eddy current loss of sliced rods reduced; the hysteresis and eddy current losses on the surface of the sliced rods were less than that of the slit rods, and the overall eddy current loss of the sliced rods was less than that of the slit rods; moreover, the eddy current loss of each rod was larger than its hysteresis loss. The numerical calculation values of the coil resistance loss basically agreed with the theoretical calculation values. The finite element simulation calculation values of the loss factors of the Terfenol-D rods agreed with the experimental test values.


Terfenol-D Rod, Hysteresis Loss, Eddy Current Loss, Coil Resistance Loss, Finite Element Calculation.
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  • Core Loss Study of Different Structures of Terfenol-D Rods

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Qiang Liu
School of Physics and Information Technology, Shaanxi Normal University, No. 620 West Chang'an Street, Chang'an District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, 710 119, China
Xiping He
School of Physics and Information Technology, Shaanxi Normal University, No. 620 West Chang'an Street, Chang'an District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, 710 119, China


To efficiently use Terfenol-D rods, six of its structures were studied. Finite element analysis was used to estimate and compare the hysteresis, eddy current, and coil resistance losses of the six Terfenol-D rods. The loss factors of the rods were calculated and analyzed. Furthermore, three structures of Terfenol-D rods were manufactured, and the loss factors of the rods were measured. The results showed that an untreated rod had the largest hysteresis and eddy current losses on the outer diameter surface, and the overall hysteresis loss of the rod was the smallest. Compared with the untreated rod, the eddy current and hysteresis losses on the outer diameter surface of sliced and slit rods reduced, the overall hysteresis loss of sliced and slit rods increased, and the overall eddy current loss of sliced rods reduced; the hysteresis and eddy current losses on the surface of the sliced rods were less than that of the slit rods, and the overall eddy current loss of the sliced rods was less than that of the slit rods; moreover, the eddy current loss of each rod was larger than its hysteresis loss. The numerical calculation values of the coil resistance loss basically agreed with the theoretical calculation values. The finite element simulation calculation values of the loss factors of the Terfenol-D rods agreed with the experimental test values.


Terfenol-D Rod, Hysteresis Loss, Eddy Current Loss, Coil Resistance Loss, Finite Element Calculation.
