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Coordination Mechanisms for Supply Chain:A Review

1 Management, PSIT College of Higher Education, Uttar Pradesh, India

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Today, globalisation, outsourcing, and continuous innovations in information technology result in increased dependency among supply chain (SC) members. As this dependency increases, the extent of risk and uncertainty also increase. This situation requires effective coordination among SC members to meet these challenges. Therefore, for better understanding of the coordination in supply chain and methodologies to achieve it, a systematic literature review is presented to elaborate the term coordination, and enlist the important coordination mechanisms.


Supply Chain Management, Coordination, Supply Chain Coordination, Coordination Mechanism.
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  • Coordination Mechanisms for Supply Chain:A Review

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Manoj Kumar Srivastava
Management, PSIT College of Higher Education, Uttar Pradesh, India


Today, globalisation, outsourcing, and continuous innovations in information technology result in increased dependency among supply chain (SC) members. As this dependency increases, the extent of risk and uncertainty also increase. This situation requires effective coordination among SC members to meet these challenges. Therefore, for better understanding of the coordination in supply chain and methodologies to achieve it, a systematic literature review is presented to elaborate the term coordination, and enlist the important coordination mechanisms.


Supply Chain Management, Coordination, Supply Chain Coordination, Coordination Mechanism.
