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Blockchain Application:The Dairy Supply Chain

1 Pennsylvania State University, York Campus, United States

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The safety and quality of the food supply chain is of utmost importance to producers, processors, regulators, and consumers. Many foods are tested when harvested and at many intermediate points during their processing, but in the case of the dairy supply chain in the United States (US), the testing labs are often owned by or connected with the producers and processors, creating a potential conflict of interest. The system described in this paper uses blockchain technology as a tool to ensure that the test results from milk analysis cannot be adjusted or changed without the knowledge of the other stakeholders, most notably the regulatory agency. This provides increased protection not just for the consumer but also the producer as a means of protecting their reputation in case of any food-related problems downstream.


Blockchain, Dairy, Food Supply Chain.
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  • Blockchain Application:The Dairy Supply Chain

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Joseph Kasten
Pennsylvania State University, York Campus, United States


The safety and quality of the food supply chain is of utmost importance to producers, processors, regulators, and consumers. Many foods are tested when harvested and at many intermediate points during their processing, but in the case of the dairy supply chain in the United States (US), the testing labs are often owned by or connected with the producers and processors, creating a potential conflict of interest. The system described in this paper uses blockchain technology as a tool to ensure that the test results from milk analysis cannot be adjusted or changed without the knowledge of the other stakeholders, most notably the regulatory agency. This provides increased protection not just for the consumer but also the producer as a means of protecting their reputation in case of any food-related problems downstream.


Blockchain, Dairy, Food Supply Chain.
