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Green Logistics and Organisational Performance:Exploring Time-Based Competition as a Missing Link
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The main objective of this study was to provide insight into how an organisation’s decision to go green influences its performance in the logistics sector. This study advances a complex model by introducing time-based competition as a mediating variable between green logistics and organisational performance. The study considered a sample of 190 managers from logistics companies; thereafter, questionnaires were distributed. Data collected were analysed by employing the partial least square method of structural equation modelling. An analysis of the data indicates there are significant positive relationships between green logistics, organisational performance and time-based competition as well as between time-based competition and organisational performance. In addition, the intermediary role of time-based competition in the relationship is supported; thus, all hypotheses in this study were supported. These findings provide relevant information to managers and academicians in understanding the concept of green in the logistics sector, especially in this ever-changing and growing business environment.
Green Logistics, Time-Based Competition, and Organisational Performance.
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