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Research Review on Feature Extraction Methods of Human Being’s X-Ray Image Analysis

1 UCCC & SPBCBA & SDGH College of BCA & IT, (BCA Department), Surat, India
2 Department of Computer Science, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, India

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Medical image processing covers various types of images such as tomography, mammography, radiography (X-Ray images), cardiogram, CT scan images etc. X-Ray is a type of image in which electronic radiation is passed in human body to capture images of injured parts. Once the X-Ray image is captured, orthopaedics doctors to detect degenerative conditions, trauma, sports injury, tumors, congenital issues etc. manually diagnose it. In automated medical diagnosis system, image processing has to go through various stages such as image acquisition, enhancement, feature extraction, ROI detection, interpretation etc. Feature extraction is one of the important steps of image processing which mainly focus on detection of the region of interest from the image. It includes various mathematical, statistical and scientific algorithms to detect characteristics from the targeted image to narrow down the image. Many researchers have worked on feature extraction from X-Ray image to contribute into automated X-Ray image processing system. In this research paper, we have presented an extensive research review on “Feature Extraction” step of digital image processing based on X-Ray image of human being.


Orthopaedics, Congenital Issues, Trauma, ROI, X-Ray, Feature Extraction, Image Processing.
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  • Research Review on Feature Extraction Methods of Human Being’s X-Ray Image Analysis

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Anil K. Bharodiya
UCCC & SPBCBA & SDGH College of BCA & IT, (BCA Department), Surat, India
Atul M. Gonsai
Department of Computer Science, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, India


Medical image processing covers various types of images such as tomography, mammography, radiography (X-Ray images), cardiogram, CT scan images etc. X-Ray is a type of image in which electronic radiation is passed in human body to capture images of injured parts. Once the X-Ray image is captured, orthopaedics doctors to detect degenerative conditions, trauma, sports injury, tumors, congenital issues etc. manually diagnose it. In automated medical diagnosis system, image processing has to go through various stages such as image acquisition, enhancement, feature extraction, ROI detection, interpretation etc. Feature extraction is one of the important steps of image processing which mainly focus on detection of the region of interest from the image. It includes various mathematical, statistical and scientific algorithms to detect characteristics from the targeted image to narrow down the image. Many researchers have worked on feature extraction from X-Ray image to contribute into automated X-Ray image processing system. In this research paper, we have presented an extensive research review on “Feature Extraction” step of digital image processing based on X-Ray image of human being.


Orthopaedics, Congenital Issues, Trauma, ROI, X-Ray, Feature Extraction, Image Processing.
