Indian Sign Language Recognition System for Deaf and Dumb Using Image Processing and Fingerspelling:A Technical Review
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In deaf and dumb communication, they use sign language to communicate with each other. Communication is the way to convey our thoughts, message or information. Hearing and speech disabled people faces many problems when they communicate with normal people. They uses sign language person, which includes hand gesture, facial expressions, and head movement to convey their message. Using the image processing techniques, it is possible that system will be develop to help those disabled people for effective interaction with normal people. This paper compares and discusses various techniques that are used worldwide for region wise sign languages and proposed an idea that may applicable to develop a communication system for Indian Sign Language. An image processing based system can be made that will work on smartphones and will recognize sign perform by deaf-dumb and generate text or audio output for normal person and vice-versa communication.
Sign Language, Deaf and Dumb People, Communication, Image Processing, Smartphones, Hand Gestures.
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