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Impact of Leadership Styles on the Effectiveness of Higher Educational Institutions in Himachal Pradesh

1 PSIT College of Higher Education, Uttar Pradesh, India
2 H.P.U.B.S, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India

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The present study has been conducted with the purpose of examining the impact of leadership styles on organizational effectiveness of higher educational institutions. It also examines whether perception of leadership and organizational effectiveness differ according to the demographic variables. Data were gathered from 215 teachers of different positions from both private and public higher educational institutions of Himachal Pradesh (India). The findings of the study reveal that perceptions of leadership and organizational effectiveness partially differ according to the various demographic variables. The result further shows that only transactional style of leadership has a significant impact on organizational effectiveness of higher educational institutions.


Higher Education, Transactional Style, Transformational Style, Leadership, Organizational Effectiveness.
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  • Impact of Leadership Styles on the Effectiveness of Higher Educational Institutions in Himachal Pradesh

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Prajna Paromita Dey
PSIT College of Higher Education, Uttar Pradesh, India
Ina Sood
H.P.U.B.S, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India


The present study has been conducted with the purpose of examining the impact of leadership styles on organizational effectiveness of higher educational institutions. It also examines whether perception of leadership and organizational effectiveness differ according to the demographic variables. Data were gathered from 215 teachers of different positions from both private and public higher educational institutions of Himachal Pradesh (India). The findings of the study reveal that perceptions of leadership and organizational effectiveness partially differ according to the various demographic variables. The result further shows that only transactional style of leadership has a significant impact on organizational effectiveness of higher educational institutions.


Higher Education, Transactional Style, Transformational Style, Leadership, Organizational Effectiveness.
