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Emotional Intelligence as a Moderator between Micromanagement Leadership and Employee Performance

1 ICFAI University Jharkhand, Ranchi - 835 222, Jharkhand, India
2 School of Hospitality & Tourism, Galgotias University, Greater Noida - 201 310, Uttar Pradesh, India

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Today’s businesses work in a fast-paced, uncertain, and intensely competitive environment. In such circumstances, organizations depend on their leaders for better results. Leaders use different leadership styles to accomplish their tasks and achieve success. Micromanagement is one such type of leadership style, wherein leaders are overly focused on results, staff-controlling, issues handling, and making all choices on their own. Such constant observation and supervision of employees create an impact on their performance. On the other side, leaders with high emotional intelligence try to empathize with their team members and facilitate improving their performance by giving them constructive criticism. The present study proposed a theoretical framework by investigating the influence of micromanagement leadership on employee performance, and the moderating effect of emotional intelligence on the relationship between micromanagement leadership towards employee performance. This study also emphasized the implications for leaders, employees, and organizations, thereby formulating propositions that can act as a foundation for future empirical work.


Emotional Intelligence, Employee Performance, Leaders, Micromanagement Leadership, Moderating Relationship.

JEL Classification Codes : D23, D91, L25

Paper Submission Date: December 13, 2021 ; Paper sent back for Revision : July 25, 2022; Paper Acceptance Date : August 25, 2022 ; Paper Published Online : October 15, 2022

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  • Emotional Intelligence as a Moderator between Micromanagement Leadership and Employee Performance

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Namrata Mishra
ICFAI University Jharkhand, Ranchi - 835 222, Jharkhand, India
M. Rajkumar
ICFAI University Jharkhand, Ranchi - 835 222, Jharkhand, India
Rajiv Mishra
School of Hospitality & Tourism, Galgotias University, Greater Noida - 201 310, Uttar Pradesh, India


Today’s businesses work in a fast-paced, uncertain, and intensely competitive environment. In such circumstances, organizations depend on their leaders for better results. Leaders use different leadership styles to accomplish their tasks and achieve success. Micromanagement is one such type of leadership style, wherein leaders are overly focused on results, staff-controlling, issues handling, and making all choices on their own. Such constant observation and supervision of employees create an impact on their performance. On the other side, leaders with high emotional intelligence try to empathize with their team members and facilitate improving their performance by giving them constructive criticism. The present study proposed a theoretical framework by investigating the influence of micromanagement leadership on employee performance, and the moderating effect of emotional intelligence on the relationship between micromanagement leadership towards employee performance. This study also emphasized the implications for leaders, employees, and organizations, thereby formulating propositions that can act as a foundation for future empirical work.


Emotional Intelligence, Employee Performance, Leaders, Micromanagement Leadership, Moderating Relationship.

JEL Classification Codes : D23, D91, L25

Paper Submission Date: December 13, 2021 ; Paper sent back for Revision : July 25, 2022; Paper Acceptance Date : August 25, 2022 ; Paper Published Online : October 15, 2022
