The Study of Upper Body Angle of Fire-Fighters Carrying a Patient on a Stretcher with Helmets
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Background/Objectives: This study analyzed the upper body angle of firefighters carrying a patient on a stretcher with helmets. The purpose of the study was to reduce musculoskeletal symptoms.
Methods/Statistical analysis: Fire firefighters (N=15) with helmets performed lifting and lowering a stretcher. At this time, we compared the angles of their neck, shoulders, back, and upper body muscles. With the collected data, descriptive statistics were conducted for each part and situation.
Findings: We used an analysis method to verify the difference before and after wearing helmets. Upper body angles were calculated as follows. With a helmet, the shoulder angle at E1 while the worker was lifting down the stretcher was statistically significant (p<.05). The neck angle at E2 and E3 while the worker was lifting the stretcher was statistically significant (p<.005, p<.05). And the back angle at E2 (p<.05) and shoulder angle at E2 (p<.005) showed statistically significant values with helmet, while the worker was lifting the stretcher.
Improvements/Applications: Therefore, our results suggest that developing higher helmets will reduce the stress of neck and back and musculoskeletal fatigue.
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