Effect of Cumin using Instead of the Industrial and Preservatives materials in Production methods of Hommous Tahina
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The aim of this study was to investigate effect of using cumin instead of the industrial and preservatives materials by manufacturing ways of Hommous Tahini laboratory, and study its microbial, store, sensory and chemical properties. The results of the microbial test of the three samples showed that the sample (2) (soaking the grinded chickpeas in 60o C water inside 60o C water bath for 30 minutes) was better than the sample (1) (soaking the non-grinded chickpeas in water and soda at 0.05 ratio for 12 hours), and the sample (3) (soaking the non- grinded chickpeas in water for 12 hours). There was no bacteria and fungi (Molds and Yeasts ) growth in the product of sample (2) when it was stored in a freezer (-18o C) and then melted at room temperature (30o C) for 3 hours, and its storage time in a refrigerator was 5 days without tin opening and 3 days with tin opening. It got very good grade in the general acceptance property when it was tinned and ready to eat. The percentages of the chemical components on dry weight basis were 1.385, 4.22, 6.19, 24.4, 12.35, 98.61, 71.68 and 373.61 for moisture, ash, fat, fibers, protein, dry materials, carbohydrates and heat calories respectively.
Cumin, Hommous Tahina, Bicarbonate Sodium. Chickpeas.
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