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Phenyl Propanoid Glycoside, An Eleutheroside derivative in the Regulation Carbohydrate Metabolism in Hepatic Tissues in T2DM experimental Rats

1 School of Basic Medical Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, 20400 Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia

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The enzymes that control glucose metabolism in the liver tissue are considered as potential targets forthe maintenance of normal glycemic control in diabetic individuals. Search for new drugs with more efficacies and without side effects preferably from plant origin continues. Phenyl propanoid glycoside, an eleutheroside derivative is one such phyto secondary metabolite which lacks scientific validation for its folklore use. In the present study it was aimed to systematically study the efficacyof phenyl propanoid glycoside (syringin) (5mg/kg.b.w./rat for 30 days) in the regulation of glucose homeostasis modulating theactivities of carbohydrate metabolizing enzymes in hepatic tissues of T2DM in rats. The assay of activities of carbohydrate metabolizing key enzymes of glycolysis, and pentose phosphate and gluconeogenic pathways in hepatic tissues were performed. The altered activities of key enzymes of these pathways in hepatic tissues of diabetic rats were significantlyreverted to near normalcy upon oral treatment with syringin. In addition, oral administration of syringin to experimental diabetic groups of rats showed significant reduction in the levels of fasting bloodglucose and glycosylated hemoglobin and increased level of plasma insulin and hemoglobin. Thus, thepresent data validated that the oral administration of syringin to diabetic rats regulates glucosehomeostasis by regulating the activities of carbohydrate metabolizing enzymes.


Diabetes, Hemoglobin, Insulin, Streptozotocin, Syringin.
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  • Phenyl Propanoid Glycoside, An Eleutheroside derivative in the Regulation Carbohydrate Metabolism in Hepatic Tissues in T2DM experimental Rats

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U. S. Mahadeva Rao
School of Basic Medical Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, 20400 Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia


The enzymes that control glucose metabolism in the liver tissue are considered as potential targets forthe maintenance of normal glycemic control in diabetic individuals. Search for new drugs with more efficacies and without side effects preferably from plant origin continues. Phenyl propanoid glycoside, an eleutheroside derivative is one such phyto secondary metabolite which lacks scientific validation for its folklore use. In the present study it was aimed to systematically study the efficacyof phenyl propanoid glycoside (syringin) (5mg/kg.b.w./rat for 30 days) in the regulation of glucose homeostasis modulating theactivities of carbohydrate metabolizing enzymes in hepatic tissues of T2DM in rats. The assay of activities of carbohydrate metabolizing key enzymes of glycolysis, and pentose phosphate and gluconeogenic pathways in hepatic tissues were performed. The altered activities of key enzymes of these pathways in hepatic tissues of diabetic rats were significantlyreverted to near normalcy upon oral treatment with syringin. In addition, oral administration of syringin to experimental diabetic groups of rats showed significant reduction in the levels of fasting bloodglucose and glycosylated hemoglobin and increased level of plasma insulin and hemoglobin. Thus, thepresent data validated that the oral administration of syringin to diabetic rats regulates glucosehomeostasis by regulating the activities of carbohydrate metabolizing enzymes.


Diabetes, Hemoglobin, Insulin, Streptozotocin, Syringin.
