The Effect of State Anxiety and Self-Confidence on Olympic Performance in Korean Athletes
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Background/Objectives: This study investigated the effect of state anxiety and self-confidence (SC) on performance in Korean Olympic athletes. Methods/Statistical analysis: The moderating effects of type of sport, type of skill, gender, and years in the national team on performance were also studied. Sixty five Korean athletes’ state anxiety and SC were assessed using the KCSIA-2 a day before first events at the Olympics. Coaches evaluated athlete performance on a 10-point scale from 1 (poor) to 10 (excellent). Findings: Strong positive correlations were found among cognitive anxiety (CA), somatic anxiety (SA), and SC. A main effect was significantly found for CA and an interaction effect was significantly found between CA and SA. When athletes experienced the high level of SA, those with the high level of CA produced better performance than those with the low level of CA. There was no significant effect for CA, SA, and SC on performance, for SC and performance, and for SA and performance. Improvements/Applications: Our findings indicate the high level of CA assisted Korean Olympic athletes to produce peak performance.
Cognitive Anxiety, Somatic Anxiety, Self-confidence, Peak Performance, Olympic, Elite Athletes.
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