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pH-Responsive Polymers and its Application in Drug Delivery System and Pharmaceutical Field

1 Department of Pharmaceutics, SRM College of Pharmacy, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai –603202, India
2 Department of Pharmaceutics, SRM College of Pharmacy, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai – 603202, India

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Stimuli-sensitive polymers which are also called as ‘smart polymers' are rapidly acquiring popularity in the field of self-regulated and control release drug delivery system. Control drug delivery system is used which enable to obtain better drug product with greater safety, efficacy, and reliability. Stimuli-responsive polymers (smart polymers) are the large molecules which in response to environmental factor like, light, heat, ionic and magnetic field reveals peculiar physiochemical changes. The review summarizes the recent development explaining different types of synthesis, its characteristics, the principle of working, and its application in various fields. Several polymers with its potential uses in control drug delivery, personal, human care, biological and membrane science as well as its application in the pharmaceutical field are explained below. They have been playing a vital role in various fields since last three decades. In the field of chemistry and biology, pH-sensitive materials having multi-characteristics nature makes a promising role. It also describes about an important use of pH-sensitive polymer in different therapy like gene therapy and the applicability of system as insulin delivery in consideration of physiochemical properties of these smart polymers. Apart of drug delivery, It has also an important application in purification and separation of molecules like enzyme, protein, peptides (Chromatographic studies).


pH-Sensitive Polymer, Liposomes, Drug Delivery, Polymethacrylic Acid, Poly (Acrylic Acid).
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  • pH-Responsive Polymers and its Application in Drug Delivery System and Pharmaceutical Field

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Nilmani Prasad Gupta
Department of Pharmaceutics, SRM College of Pharmacy, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai –603202, India
N. Damodharan
Department of Pharmaceutics, SRM College of Pharmacy, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai – 603202, India


Stimuli-sensitive polymers which are also called as ‘smart polymers' are rapidly acquiring popularity in the field of self-regulated and control release drug delivery system. Control drug delivery system is used which enable to obtain better drug product with greater safety, efficacy, and reliability. Stimuli-responsive polymers (smart polymers) are the large molecules which in response to environmental factor like, light, heat, ionic and magnetic field reveals peculiar physiochemical changes. The review summarizes the recent development explaining different types of synthesis, its characteristics, the principle of working, and its application in various fields. Several polymers with its potential uses in control drug delivery, personal, human care, biological and membrane science as well as its application in the pharmaceutical field are explained below. They have been playing a vital role in various fields since last three decades. In the field of chemistry and biology, pH-sensitive materials having multi-characteristics nature makes a promising role. It also describes about an important use of pH-sensitive polymer in different therapy like gene therapy and the applicability of system as insulin delivery in consideration of physiochemical properties of these smart polymers. Apart of drug delivery, It has also an important application in purification and separation of molecules like enzyme, protein, peptides (Chromatographic studies).


pH-Sensitive Polymer, Liposomes, Drug Delivery, Polymethacrylic Acid, Poly (Acrylic Acid).
