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Cytotoxic Activity of Ethanol and Ethyl Acetate Extract of Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus) against Cervical Cancer Cell Line (HELA)

1 Department of Medical Chemistry, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta-10430, Indonesia
2 Department of Anatomical Pathology, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta-10430, Indonesia

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Cervical cancer is one of the most frequent cancer that occur among reproductive women in the world. The main modality of treatment is chemoradiotherapy and surgery. But, its wide-ranged success therapy and various side effects are still remaind the issues. To solve this problem, ethanol extract of kenikir leaves (EEKL) and kenikir leaves ethyl acetate extract of kenikir leaves (EAKL) have been thought to contain various substrate that could promote anticancer activities. This study comprised qualitative and quantitative test. Qualitative test consists thin layer chromatography and phytochemistry analysis while the quantitative test, MTT assay was used. MTT assay has done by using eight variety of concentrations of EEKL and EAKL on HeLa cells. Qualitative test showed that EAKL and EEKL has at least 5 compounds, which are flavonoid, tanin, steroid, alkaloid, dan glycoside. MTT assay revealed that EEKL and EAKL has strong cytotoxicity activity with IC50 17,46 ppm dan 6,31 ppm, respectively. In addition, each extract exhibited significant difference in some variants of concentration.


Cytotoxicity, Cervical Cancer, Ethanol Extract, Ethyl Acetate Extract, HeLa, Kenikir Leaves.
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  • Cytotoxic Activity of Ethanol and Ethyl Acetate Extract of Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus) against Cervical Cancer Cell Line (HELA)

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S. Dwira
Department of Medical Chemistry, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta-10430, Indonesia
M. R. Fadhillah
Department of Medical Chemistry, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta-10430, Indonesia
F. Fadilah
Department of Medical Chemistry, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta-10430, Indonesia
N. N. Azizah
Department of Medical Chemistry, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta-10430, Indonesia
R. Putrianingsih
Department of Medical Chemistry, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta-10430, Indonesia
K. Kusmardi
Department of Anatomical Pathology, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta-10430, Indonesia


Cervical cancer is one of the most frequent cancer that occur among reproductive women in the world. The main modality of treatment is chemoradiotherapy and surgery. But, its wide-ranged success therapy and various side effects are still remaind the issues. To solve this problem, ethanol extract of kenikir leaves (EEKL) and kenikir leaves ethyl acetate extract of kenikir leaves (EAKL) have been thought to contain various substrate that could promote anticancer activities. This study comprised qualitative and quantitative test. Qualitative test consists thin layer chromatography and phytochemistry analysis while the quantitative test, MTT assay was used. MTT assay has done by using eight variety of concentrations of EEKL and EAKL on HeLa cells. Qualitative test showed that EAKL and EEKL has at least 5 compounds, which are flavonoid, tanin, steroid, alkaloid, dan glycoside. MTT assay revealed that EEKL and EAKL has strong cytotoxicity activity with IC50 17,46 ppm dan 6,31 ppm, respectively. In addition, each extract exhibited significant difference in some variants of concentration.


Cytotoxicity, Cervical Cancer, Ethanol Extract, Ethyl Acetate Extract, HeLa, Kenikir Leaves.
