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Evaluation of Liver Function in Type 2 Diabetic Patients during Clinical Trials in Kirkuk City

1 Pathology Analysis Div., Hawija Technical Institute, Northern Technical University Kirkuk, Iraq
2 Animal Production Div., Mosul Technical Institute, Northern Technical University Mosul, Iraq

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Disease of diabetes mellitus is a condition for uncontrolled metabolism with an abnormally high level of glucose in the blood. Type II diabetes is a heterogeneous multi-faceted group of metabolic conditions described by high levels of glucose in the blood due to poor insulin and/or insulin secretion. In patients with type 2 diabetes, abnormalities in functional liver tests are not uncommon. The objective of this study is to investigate deviations in liver function from a group of diabetics in the city of Kirkuk and identify the factors associated with these changes in chemistry. A various primary health care centers were included with a total of 30 patients between March 2016 and August 2017 in Kirkuk. The results found that although the values of Alanine aminotransferase ALT, Aspartate aminotransferase AST were within a typical range, but there was a high significant increase in both values of patients than that of healthy subjects, ALT and AST were known (46.66%) and (43.33%) respectively. Also, no association in both ALT and AST with the sex of patients of diabetes. In addition, there was a weak positive relationship between each ALT and AST with BMI (0.1066), (0.1207), respectively. In conclusion, abnormalities in the consequences of liver function are more common among diabetics. Elevation in ALT, AST is a marker of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in diabetic patients. Accordingly, the ALT and AST test should be performed to examine the primary fatty liver, especially with diabetes, with a high BMI.


ALT, AST, BMI, Liver Function, Obesity, Type Two Diabetes Mellitus.
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  • Evaluation of Liver Function in Type 2 Diabetic Patients during Clinical Trials in Kirkuk City

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Fadheelah S. Azeez
Pathology Analysis Div., Hawija Technical Institute, Northern Technical University Kirkuk, Iraq
Ali M. Saadi
Animal Production Div., Mosul Technical Institute, Northern Technical University Mosul, Iraq


Disease of diabetes mellitus is a condition for uncontrolled metabolism with an abnormally high level of glucose in the blood. Type II diabetes is a heterogeneous multi-faceted group of metabolic conditions described by high levels of glucose in the blood due to poor insulin and/or insulin secretion. In patients with type 2 diabetes, abnormalities in functional liver tests are not uncommon. The objective of this study is to investigate deviations in liver function from a group of diabetics in the city of Kirkuk and identify the factors associated with these changes in chemistry. A various primary health care centers were included with a total of 30 patients between March 2016 and August 2017 in Kirkuk. The results found that although the values of Alanine aminotransferase ALT, Aspartate aminotransferase AST were within a typical range, but there was a high significant increase in both values of patients than that of healthy subjects, ALT and AST were known (46.66%) and (43.33%) respectively. Also, no association in both ALT and AST with the sex of patients of diabetes. In addition, there was a weak positive relationship between each ALT and AST with BMI (0.1066), (0.1207), respectively. In conclusion, abnormalities in the consequences of liver function are more common among diabetics. Elevation in ALT, AST is a marker of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in diabetic patients. Accordingly, the ALT and AST test should be performed to examine the primary fatty liver, especially with diabetes, with a high BMI.


ALT, AST, BMI, Liver Function, Obesity, Type Two Diabetes Mellitus.
