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Correlation between Osteopontin Promoter Gene and Fresh Semen Quality in Friesian Holstein Dairy Cows

1 Department of Animal Reproduction, University of Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
2 Department of Animal Reproduction, Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

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This study aims to investigate the polymorphism of osteopontin promoter gene in Holstein Friesian (FH) dairy cows and its correlation with quality of fresh semen in FH dairy cows. The basis determining for osteopontin as the main bio-marker in the determination of male Holstein dairy cow fertility by several previous studies which showed that osteopontin levels in seminal plasma Holstein dairy cows with a good fertility have osteopontin concentrations higher than the low fertility of dairy cows. A total of 14 blood samples taken from Holstein Friesian dairy cows then the DNA extracted and amplified using primers SPP1F and SPP1R. The 306 bp band as a target was detected in all 14 samples then sequenced for analysis of the nucleotide base. The results showed that all samples with low sperm concentration occurred deletion at10080 bp and the transition (G-A) at 10090 bp. The results indicated that this mutation site could be related with the trait susceptibility to sperm concentration. Further studies are needed to address other parameter related to comprehensive sperm quality.


Polymorphism, Osteopontin, Male Fertility, Dairy Cows.
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  • Correlation between Osteopontin Promoter Gene and Fresh Semen Quality in Friesian Holstein Dairy Cows

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Tatik Hernawati
Department of Animal Reproduction, University of Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Yudit Oktanella
Department of Animal Reproduction, Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Sri Mulyati
Department of Animal Reproduction, University of Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Department of Animal Reproduction, University of Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Tri Wahyu Suprayogi
Department of Animal Reproduction, University of Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia


This study aims to investigate the polymorphism of osteopontin promoter gene in Holstein Friesian (FH) dairy cows and its correlation with quality of fresh semen in FH dairy cows. The basis determining for osteopontin as the main bio-marker in the determination of male Holstein dairy cow fertility by several previous studies which showed that osteopontin levels in seminal plasma Holstein dairy cows with a good fertility have osteopontin concentrations higher than the low fertility of dairy cows. A total of 14 blood samples taken from Holstein Friesian dairy cows then the DNA extracted and amplified using primers SPP1F and SPP1R. The 306 bp band as a target was detected in all 14 samples then sequenced for analysis of the nucleotide base. The results showed that all samples with low sperm concentration occurred deletion at10080 bp and the transition (G-A) at 10090 bp. The results indicated that this mutation site could be related with the trait susceptibility to sperm concentration. Further studies are needed to address other parameter related to comprehensive sperm quality.


Polymorphism, Osteopontin, Male Fertility, Dairy Cows.
