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A Study to Analyze the effectiveness of Mobilization with movement in OA knee Dysfunction: A Quasi Experimental Study

1 Saveetha College of Physiotherapy, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Thandalam, Chennai - 602105, India

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Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of Mobilization with Movement in unilateral knee pain, ROM and ADL associated with knee dysfunction. Methods: Thirty patients with knee pain were selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria and were divided into two groups of fifteen each. Group A received Exercise and IFT and Group B received Mulligan’s Mobilization with Movement and IFT. Pre and post values NPRS, ROM, and OKS were measured on day 1 and at the end of treatment by 4 weeks. Data were analysed using paired and unpaired p-test. Results: There was a significant reduction in NPRS, and increase Oxford Knee Score at 4 weeks when compared to pre-procedure scores (p<0.05) for both groups, but was significantly more in Group B when compared to Group A. The range of motion of the Knee joint in both the groups showed steady improvement. Conclusion: Applying Mobilisation with Movement is more effective for knee dysfunction as it has shown superior results over the pain, range of motion and the functional outcome. This may be incorporated while treating knee dysfunction.


Mobilization with Movement, Knee Dysfunction, Interferential Therapy, Knee Pain.
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  • A Study to Analyze the effectiveness of Mobilization with movement in OA knee Dysfunction: A Quasi Experimental Study

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Jibu George Varghese
Saveetha College of Physiotherapy, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Thandalam, Chennai - 602105, India
S. Dilakshana
Saveetha College of Physiotherapy, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Thandalam, Chennai - 602105, India
S. Dilli Ganesh
Saveetha College of Physiotherapy, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Thandalam, Chennai - 602105, India
L. Varshini
Saveetha College of Physiotherapy, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Thandalam, Chennai - 602105, India


Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of Mobilization with Movement in unilateral knee pain, ROM and ADL associated with knee dysfunction. Methods: Thirty patients with knee pain were selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria and were divided into two groups of fifteen each. Group A received Exercise and IFT and Group B received Mulligan’s Mobilization with Movement and IFT. Pre and post values NPRS, ROM, and OKS were measured on day 1 and at the end of treatment by 4 weeks. Data were analysed using paired and unpaired p-test. Results: There was a significant reduction in NPRS, and increase Oxford Knee Score at 4 weeks when compared to pre-procedure scores (p<0.05) for both groups, but was significantly more in Group B when compared to Group A. The range of motion of the Knee joint in both the groups showed steady improvement. Conclusion: Applying Mobilisation with Movement is more effective for knee dysfunction as it has shown superior results over the pain, range of motion and the functional outcome. This may be incorporated while treating knee dysfunction.


Mobilization with Movement, Knee Dysfunction, Interferential Therapy, Knee Pain.
