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The Analysis of Working Load of General Practitioners in the Republic of Kazakhstan

1 Department of Public Health, Karaganda State Medical University, 36 Gogol Street, Karaganda city, 100008, Kazakhstan
2 Department of Phtiziology, Astana Medical University, 49 Beibitshilik Str., Astana City, 010000, Kazakhstan
3 Republican Center for Health Development, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 8 Entrance 18В Mangylik, Astana City, 010000, Kazakhstan
4 Department of General Practice No. 3, Nursing with a Course of Neurosurgery, Karaganda State Medical University, 40 Gogol str., Karaganda city, 100008, Kazakhstan
5 Department of Pathology, Karaganda State Medical University, 40 Gogol Str., Karaganda city, 100008, Kazakhstan

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The article provides results of a chronometric analysis of patients a polyclinic in Kazakhstan, as well as of and analysis and study of the working hours spent by doctors for accomplishment of various labor transactions. The statistical analysis defined the basic factors influencing the duration of reception of patients by general practitioners (GP) doctors. They are: the communicative factor, operating procedures, and document processing. The basic factors influencing the duration of patient reception by GP doctors are the communicative factor or Component 1 (r=0.805), operational procedures or Component 2 (r=0.736), and documentation processing or Component 3 (r=0.528). The forecast of data reception time (by GP doctors), depending on the availability of technical work, the documentation showed us that generally three factors (technical work, internal documentation, and additional procedures) have a very significant effect on the dependent variable (patient reception). It turns out that the time spent for additional inspection of patients, contributes to a more rapid and faithful inspection of results and reduced the patient reception time, on the other hand the presence of technical work and documentation processing helps increase the time of reception be a GP doctor.


Patient, Disease, Dispensary Observation, Reception Time, Population.
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  • The Analysis of Working Load of General Practitioners in the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Aigul Mergentay
Department of Public Health, Karaganda State Medical University, 36 Gogol Street, Karaganda city, 100008, Kazakhstan
Dusentay B. Kulov
Department of Public Health, Karaganda State Medical University, 36 Gogol Street, Karaganda city, 100008, Kazakhstan
Gulbadan S. Bekembayeva
Department of Phtiziology, Astana Medical University, 49 Beibitshilik Str., Astana City, 010000, Kazakhstan
Vitaliy Koikov
Republican Center for Health Development, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 8 Entrance 18В Mangylik, Astana City, 010000, Kazakhstan
Baurjan Omarkulov
Department of General Practice No. 3, Nursing with a Course of Neurosurgery, Karaganda State Medical University, 40 Gogol str., Karaganda city, 100008, Kazakhstan
Saule A. Mussabekova
Department of Pathology, Karaganda State Medical University, 40 Gogol Str., Karaganda city, 100008, Kazakhstan


The article provides results of a chronometric analysis of patients a polyclinic in Kazakhstan, as well as of and analysis and study of the working hours spent by doctors for accomplishment of various labor transactions. The statistical analysis defined the basic factors influencing the duration of reception of patients by general practitioners (GP) doctors. They are: the communicative factor, operating procedures, and document processing. The basic factors influencing the duration of patient reception by GP doctors are the communicative factor or Component 1 (r=0.805), operational procedures or Component 2 (r=0.736), and documentation processing or Component 3 (r=0.528). The forecast of data reception time (by GP doctors), depending on the availability of technical work, the documentation showed us that generally three factors (technical work, internal documentation, and additional procedures) have a very significant effect on the dependent variable (patient reception). It turns out that the time spent for additional inspection of patients, contributes to a more rapid and faithful inspection of results and reduced the patient reception time, on the other hand the presence of technical work and documentation processing helps increase the time of reception be a GP doctor.


Patient, Disease, Dispensary Observation, Reception Time, Population.
