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The Effect of Smoking Types in Some Semen Characteristics of Men in the City of Diwaniyah, Iraq

1 University of Al-Qadisiyah, College of Agriculture, Iraq
2 University of Al-Nahrain, College of Sciences, Iraq

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In this study, a sample of 50 persons has been used to determine the effect of smoking type and its period in addition to age in some semen characteristics. Statistical analysis shows the significant effect of smoking type in both of sperm number, activity, dead sperm, normal and abnormal morphology of sperms. In the case of smoking pipe water, the sperms number decreases significantly and decreases the activity of the sperm significantly when smoking cigarettes, as well as water pipe smoking. The normal morphology of the sperms as significantly affected in all cases of smoking as compared with non-smokers. Statistical analysis shows the significant effect period of smoking in both of the activity of sperm, dead sperm, normal and abnormal morphology of the sperm. The activity of the sperm decreases significantly for the period of smoking 6-10 years, and the normal morphology of the sperm significantly decreases in the case of smoking for 1-5 years. Statistical analysis also shows the significant effect of age in both semen and seminal. The seminal volume and viscosity decrease significantly in the age group 26-30 years, and the viscosity decreases significantly in the age group 25 years or less. The regression is significantly and highly for the activity of sperm and dead sperm on the period of smoking, the negative regression of the number of sperm, the normal morphology of the sperm and the volume of semen with the period of smoking. The regression is negative and not significant in both dead sperm and abnormal morphology with age. The number of sperm is significantly correlated with both the activity of the sperm and the normal morphology of the sperm, the volume of the semen and the pus cells.


Smoking, Semen, Men, Diwaniyah.
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  • The Effect of Smoking Types in Some Semen Characteristics of Men in the City of Diwaniyah, Iraq

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Salwan Abdul Muaen Al-Khaikani
University of Al-Qadisiyah, College of Agriculture, Iraq
Fallah H. Abdul Latif
University of Al-Qadisiyah, College of Agriculture, Iraq
Ahmed F. Al-Hussein
University of Al-Nahrain, College of Sciences, Iraq


In this study, a sample of 50 persons has been used to determine the effect of smoking type and its period in addition to age in some semen characteristics. Statistical analysis shows the significant effect of smoking type in both of sperm number, activity, dead sperm, normal and abnormal morphology of sperms. In the case of smoking pipe water, the sperms number decreases significantly and decreases the activity of the sperm significantly when smoking cigarettes, as well as water pipe smoking. The normal morphology of the sperms as significantly affected in all cases of smoking as compared with non-smokers. Statistical analysis shows the significant effect period of smoking in both of the activity of sperm, dead sperm, normal and abnormal morphology of the sperm. The activity of the sperm decreases significantly for the period of smoking 6-10 years, and the normal morphology of the sperm significantly decreases in the case of smoking for 1-5 years. Statistical analysis also shows the significant effect of age in both semen and seminal. The seminal volume and viscosity decrease significantly in the age group 26-30 years, and the viscosity decreases significantly in the age group 25 years or less. The regression is significantly and highly for the activity of sperm and dead sperm on the period of smoking, the negative regression of the number of sperm, the normal morphology of the sperm and the volume of semen with the period of smoking. The regression is negative and not significant in both dead sperm and abnormal morphology with age. The number of sperm is significantly correlated with both the activity of the sperm and the normal morphology of the sperm, the volume of the semen and the pus cells.


Smoking, Semen, Men, Diwaniyah.
