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Establishment of the Main Technological Parameters of Iris raw Material

1 Department of Pharmacognosy, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2 M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
3 Department of Botany, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine

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Phytopreparations are significant part of medicinal products used in the medical practice. This is due to high therapeutic activity along with the low toxicity of these drugs. Before using plant raw materials as an active component of the medicine, it is necessary to establish the pharmacological activity of the raw material and to standardize it. In order to standardize the medicinal plant materials, it is necessary to determine the basic technological parameters, such as moisture, mass loss during drying, extractives, etc. Continuing the study of plants of genus Iris L. and standardizing the plant raw materials on this stage of the work was established the basic technological parameters of plant materials. For studies are used wild medicinal plants and cultivated plants. The objects of the study were leaves and rhizomes of Iris hungarica Waldst et Kit. and 5 varieties of standard dwarf bearded iris (SDB), harvested during the growing season in 2016 – 2017. According to the results, moisture content of the leaves and rhizomes of iris is from 2.89% to 11.83% and is within the normal limits. Ash content is from 7.32% to 17.2%. The optimal solvent is 70% EtOH for both kinds of iris raw materials. Were established such technological parameters as specific, volumetric, bulk mass, porosity, chiseling, free volume layer, absorption coefficient. Based on the results of the study, raw material of I. hybrida ˈMini Dynamoˈ was selected for obtaining a dry extract and analyzing antibacterial activity. Dry extracts of the leaves and rhizomes of I. hybrida ˈMini Dynamoˈ showed high activity for the gram-positive strains and fungi.


Iris, Raw Materials, Leaves, Rhizomes, Technological Parameters.
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  • Establishment of the Main Technological Parameters of Iris raw Material

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Kovalyov Volodymyr
Department of Pharmacognosy, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Chetvernia Serhii
M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Krechun Anastasiia
Department of Pharmacognosy, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Mykhailenko Оlga
Department of Botany, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine


Phytopreparations are significant part of medicinal products used in the medical practice. This is due to high therapeutic activity along with the low toxicity of these drugs. Before using plant raw materials as an active component of the medicine, it is necessary to establish the pharmacological activity of the raw material and to standardize it. In order to standardize the medicinal plant materials, it is necessary to determine the basic technological parameters, such as moisture, mass loss during drying, extractives, etc. Continuing the study of plants of genus Iris L. and standardizing the plant raw materials on this stage of the work was established the basic technological parameters of plant materials. For studies are used wild medicinal plants and cultivated plants. The objects of the study were leaves and rhizomes of Iris hungarica Waldst et Kit. and 5 varieties of standard dwarf bearded iris (SDB), harvested during the growing season in 2016 – 2017. According to the results, moisture content of the leaves and rhizomes of iris is from 2.89% to 11.83% and is within the normal limits. Ash content is from 7.32% to 17.2%. The optimal solvent is 70% EtOH for both kinds of iris raw materials. Were established such technological parameters as specific, volumetric, bulk mass, porosity, chiseling, free volume layer, absorption coefficient. Based on the results of the study, raw material of I. hybrida ˈMini Dynamoˈ was selected for obtaining a dry extract and analyzing antibacterial activity. Dry extracts of the leaves and rhizomes of I. hybrida ˈMini Dynamoˈ showed high activity for the gram-positive strains and fungi.


Iris, Raw Materials, Leaves, Rhizomes, Technological Parameters.
