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Awareness and Practice about Respiratory System Nosocomial Infection Control of Clinical Nurses

1 College of Nursing, Dankook University, 119 Dandae-ro, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan-si, Chungnam, 31116, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
2 Department of Nursing, Namseoul University, 91 Daehak-ro, Seobuk-gu, Cheonan-si, Chungnam, 31020, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of

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Background/Objectives: The nurse has a critical role to play at preventing of nosocomial infection. This study was attempted to determine the nurses’ awareness and performance related to respiratory system nosocomial infection control. Methods/Statistical analysis: Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings: The mean of compliance of hand washing was 2.81(ranging 1-3). Regarding hand washing before and after caring the site of tracheostomy was 2.90 point and 2.94 point, respectively. The hands washing before wearing gloves was 2.62 point. The compliance of hand washing before wearing gloves was relatively low and the highest compliance was hands washing after caring the site of tracheostomy. Subjects with bachelor graduate (t=-2.057, p=.041) and higher position (t=-3.139, p=.002) showed higher awareness about respiratory system nosocomial infection control with statistical significance. Subjects with higher position (t=-2.427, p=.016), those who think that guidelines for infection control are needed (t=3.413, p=.001), and those who think that education about infection control is necessary (t=-2.033, p=.043) showed higher performance about respiratory system nosocomial infection control with statistical significance. There was correlation between awareness about respiratory system nosocomial infection control and performance about respiratory system nosocomial infection control (r=.518, p=<.001). Improvements/Applications: Education or surveillance should be centered on practices with low performance.


Infection, Respiratory, Awareness, Performance, Nursing.
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  • Awareness and Practice about Respiratory System Nosocomial Infection Control of Clinical Nurses

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College of Nursing, Dankook University, 119 Dandae-ro, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan-si, Chungnam, 31116, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
Kyung Sook-Kim
Department of Nursing, Namseoul University, 91 Daehak-ro, Seobuk-gu, Cheonan-si, Chungnam, 31020, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of


Background/Objectives: The nurse has a critical role to play at preventing of nosocomial infection. This study was attempted to determine the nurses’ awareness and performance related to respiratory system nosocomial infection control. Methods/Statistical analysis: Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings: The mean of compliance of hand washing was 2.81(ranging 1-3). Regarding hand washing before and after caring the site of tracheostomy was 2.90 point and 2.94 point, respectively. The hands washing before wearing gloves was 2.62 point. The compliance of hand washing before wearing gloves was relatively low and the highest compliance was hands washing after caring the site of tracheostomy. Subjects with bachelor graduate (t=-2.057, p=.041) and higher position (t=-3.139, p=.002) showed higher awareness about respiratory system nosocomial infection control with statistical significance. Subjects with higher position (t=-2.427, p=.016), those who think that guidelines for infection control are needed (t=3.413, p=.001), and those who think that education about infection control is necessary (t=-2.033, p=.043) showed higher performance about respiratory system nosocomial infection control with statistical significance. There was correlation between awareness about respiratory system nosocomial infection control and performance about respiratory system nosocomial infection control (r=.518, p=<.001). Improvements/Applications: Education or surveillance should be centered on practices with low performance.


Infection, Respiratory, Awareness, Performance, Nursing.
