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A Multi-level Perspective of Contemporary Issues of Human Resource Management in Pakistan

1 Suleman Dawood School of Business, Lahore University of Management Sciences, D.H.A., Lahore Cantt. 54792, Lahore, Pakistan
2 Nottingham Business School, United Kingdom

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This paper offers a contextual, multi-level review of contemporary issues of human resource management in Pakistan. The review identifies issues at two interconnected levels, i.e., macrolevel issues such as, globalization and cultural complexity, youth and unemployment, and gender equality, and organizational-level issues such as professionalization of Human Resource Management (HRM), quest for talent and career development, employee engagement, flexibility and work-life balance, and succession planning. The paper suggests that these issues need to be understood and addressed for effectual management of human resources in the Pakistani context.


Cultural Complexity, Globalization, Pakistan, Professionalization, Unemployment.
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  • A Multi-level Perspective of Contemporary Issues of Human Resource Management in Pakistan

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Jawad Syed
Suleman Dawood School of Business, Lahore University of Management Sciences, D.H.A., Lahore Cantt. 54792, Lahore, Pakistan
Memoona Tariq
Nottingham Business School, United Kingdom


This paper offers a contextual, multi-level review of contemporary issues of human resource management in Pakistan. The review identifies issues at two interconnected levels, i.e., macrolevel issues such as, globalization and cultural complexity, youth and unemployment, and gender equality, and organizational-level issues such as professionalization of Human Resource Management (HRM), quest for talent and career development, employee engagement, flexibility and work-life balance, and succession planning. The paper suggests that these issues need to be understood and addressed for effectual management of human resources in the Pakistani context.


Cultural Complexity, Globalization, Pakistan, Professionalization, Unemployment.
