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A Demographic Study of Online Buying Behavior among College Students in Mumbai, India

1 K. J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Vidyavihar, Mumbai 400077, India
2 K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Vidyavihar, Mumbai 400077, India

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In context to online retail market where customization is the key, information on demographics plays a crucial role to the online retail marketers in order to design customer centric marketing strategies. Hence, the main purpose of this research study was to empirically examine the impact of the demographic characteristics of college students on their attitude towards online buying behavior, in Mumbai. Ten demographic characteristics are included in this study namely: gender, education, age-group, residential location, monthly household income, self-monthly expenses, ownership of computer, having an internet connection, ownership of credit card, and ownership of debit card. Convenience sampling is used to administer the questionnaire in two college campuses in Mumbai which results in final 381 complete questionnaires from college students. Independent samples t-test and one-way ANOVA were used to test hypotheses. Findings also revealed that the demographic variable ownership of debit card has a significant difference towards online shopping.


Buying Behavior, College Students, Demographics, Mumbai, Online Purchase.
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  • A Demographic Study of Online Buying Behavior among College Students in Mumbai, India

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Vilasini Jadhav
K. J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Vidyavihar, Mumbai 400077, India
Monica Khanna
K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Vidyavihar, Mumbai 400077, India


In context to online retail market where customization is the key, information on demographics plays a crucial role to the online retail marketers in order to design customer centric marketing strategies. Hence, the main purpose of this research study was to empirically examine the impact of the demographic characteristics of college students on their attitude towards online buying behavior, in Mumbai. Ten demographic characteristics are included in this study namely: gender, education, age-group, residential location, monthly household income, self-monthly expenses, ownership of computer, having an internet connection, ownership of credit card, and ownership of debit card. Convenience sampling is used to administer the questionnaire in two college campuses in Mumbai which results in final 381 complete questionnaires from college students. Independent samples t-test and one-way ANOVA were used to test hypotheses. Findings also revealed that the demographic variable ownership of debit card has a significant difference towards online shopping.


Buying Behavior, College Students, Demographics, Mumbai, Online Purchase.
