A Review of Extra Role Behavior as an Organizational Asset
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to provide a theoretical review of EXtra role Behaviour (EXB). Further, it also explores some evidence to understand the extent to which EXB is required among teaching professionals.
Design/Methodology/Approach: Research papers, articles and reports were explored to evaluate the understanding of the construct. Online databases were used to explore the articles to analyse the extra role behavior.
Findings: Extra role behaviour is instrumental in shaping the organizational efficiency and effectiveness. Proper designing of processes to encourage such behaviour is desirable for overall productivity, performance, and sustainability of the organization.
Research Limitations: Based on the theory based review, this paper provides concrete scope for future researches. It suggests future research to be conducted in longitudinal manner, with more variables in connection to extra role behaviour.
Implications: By detailing EXB and how it brings about positive work outcome, this paper demonstrates the importance of creating a lasting impact through integration and encouragement of such behaviour and hence would be relevant to teachers and administrators in the field of education. It may also be relevant to human resource managers, leaders, and OD consultants who work towards understanding and bringing about change by focusing on desired performance behaviours.
Originality/Value: This is a comprehensive literature review of the construct EXB which will benefit the academicians, researchers, and practitioners alike. It contributes towards ongoing research in the field.
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