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Corporate Leadership Lessons from Lord Krishna as Depicted in Mahabharata

1 Assistant Professor, B.R.C.M. College of Business Administration, Sarvajanik University, V T Choksi Law College Campus, Surat–395007, Gujarat, India

Leadership is a powerful enabler that can leverage an organization to great heights. One such leader is found in the greatest Indian epic “Mahabharata”. Krishna through his inspirational leadership guided Pandavas towards the victory. The lessons Krishna gave to Pandavas are equally relevant in today’s highly competitive corporate world also. This paper discusses in detail, the qualities of a great leader as deliberated and exhibited by lord Krishna, in the epic Mahabharata. These traits of lord Krishna can be a source of inspiration for any corporate leader.


Corporate Leader, Leadership Traits, Mahabharata, Lord Krishna
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  • Corporate Leadership Lessons from Lord Krishna as Depicted in Mahabharata

Abstract Views: 360  |  PDF Views: 167


Pratik C. Patel
Assistant Professor, B.R.C.M. College of Business Administration, Sarvajanik University, V T Choksi Law College Campus, Surat–395007, Gujarat, India


Leadership is a powerful enabler that can leverage an organization to great heights. One such leader is found in the greatest Indian epic “Mahabharata”. Krishna through his inspirational leadership guided Pandavas towards the victory. The lessons Krishna gave to Pandavas are equally relevant in today’s highly competitive corporate world also. This paper discusses in detail, the qualities of a great leader as deliberated and exhibited by lord Krishna, in the epic Mahabharata. These traits of lord Krishna can be a source of inspiration for any corporate leader.


Corporate Leader, Leadership Traits, Mahabharata, Lord Krishna
