Nature is a gift of god to man who enjoys its benefits to great extent without resource restoration. This act of human has caused environmental degradation which has now resulted in environmental disasters such as climate change, loss of biological diversity, desertification, pollution, ozone depletion and accumulation of organic pollutants. The effects of these catastrophes on the surroundings make it unfit for the living beings to survive. People are not aware of the real effects of such calamities to the fullest, if there is deficit of any resources they instantly opt for alternatives without taking any steps for refurbishment. This attitude has to be changed by making them to understand the consequences of environmental disaster are not to be negligible but to be cautious for which Pooled Disjoint Fuzzy Cognitive maps is used. As this method was applied for several analyses earlier, it has now been modified with the inclusion of Triangular- fuzzy numbers to deal the precision variables. In this method the impact is quantified not with numerical values but with linguistic variables so as to determine the effects of environmental disaster in a most profound manner. This method indeed finds the impacts of the effects over each other and their interrelation so as to formulate preventive steps for it at the earliest to create green world.
Environmental Disaster, Linguistic Variables, Pooled Disjoint Block Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Triangular Fuzzy Numbers.
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