Journal of Information and Knowledge (Formerly SRELS Journal of Information Management)

Journal of Information and Knowledge (Formerly SRELS Journal of Information Management)

Publisher: Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science & Informatics Publishing Ltd
Editor: Dr. K. S. Raghavan
Online ISSN: 2583-9314, Print ISSN: Applied for
Frequency: Bimonthly


Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science has been publishing the quarterly journal ‘Library Science with a slant to Documentation’ since 1964. It was founded by Dr. S. R. Ranganathan. The title of the journal was changed to Library Science with a slant to Documentation and Information Studies from Vol.25 in 1988 and to ‘SRELS Journal of Information Management’ from Vol.37(2000). The journal has been publishing scholarly articles and articles of practical use in the fields of library and information science and services.
JournalCoverSRELS Journal of Information Management

Editor : Dr. K. S. Raghavan

Online ISSN : 0976-2477

Print ISSN : 0972-2467

Frequency : Bimonthly

Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science has been publishing the quarterly journal SRELS Journal of Information Management.

The journal was founded in 1964 by Dr. S. R. Ranganathan and was known as ‘Library Science with a slant to Documentation’. The title of the journal was changed to Library Science with a slant to Documentation and Information Studies from Vol.25 in 1988 and then to ‘SRELS Journal of Information Management’ from Vol.37 in 2000.

The journal is peer reviewed and publishes scholarly as well as articles of practical use in the fields of library and information science and services.

SRELS Journal of Information Management aims

  • To improve the library and information services in India
  • To train library and information service personnel
  • To promote the provision of efficient library and information service
  • To apply research results of library and information studies

SRELS Journal of Information Management is published bimonthly (February, April, June, August, October and December).

The journal completed 50 years in 2013!

Table of Contents

Vol 61, No 3 (2024)


Study of Variations of Citation-based Parameters for Selected Indian Science Journals
Bidyarthi Dutta
DOI: 10.17821/srels/2024/v61i3/171074 ,  Vol 61, No 3 (2024), Pagination: 115-124
ABSTRACT |     Abstract Views: 12  | 
Digital Literacy as a Tool for Enhancing Access and Utilization of Digital Information - A Case Study in Kenya
A. N. Tenya, J. C. Maina, F. M. Awuor
DOI: 10.17821/srels/2024/v61i3/171399 ,  Vol 61, No 3 (2024), Pagination: 125-133
ABSTRACT |     Abstract Views: 13  | 
Hybrid Model for Conducting Multiple Citation Analysis Operations Using the Same Citation Data
Bhagwan Sahay Meena, Sharmila Bose Majumder, Nemi Chandra Rathore, Neeraj Jain
DOI: 10.17821/srels/2024/v61i3/171397 ,  Vol 61, No 3 (2024), Pagination: 135-142
ABSTRACT |     Abstract Views: 14  | 
Development of an Android App for the College Library: A Case Study
K. Niranjana, H. G. Punith
DOI: 10.17821/srels/2024/v61i3/171304 ,  Vol 61, No 3 (2024), Pagination: 143-154
ABSTRACT |     Abstract Views: 12  | 
Adoption and Utilization of Online Open Courseware by Postgraduate and Doctoral Students: A Case Study
Renu , Seema Parmar, Dinesh Kumari, Sarla
DOI: 10.17821/srels/2024/v61i3/171398 ,  Vol 61, No 3 (2024), Pagination: 155-158
ABSTRACT |     Abstract Views: 13  | 
Single Window Search System for Libraries using VuFind
Sukumar Mandal, Sujan Saha
DOI: 10.17821/srels/2024/v61i3/170728 ,  Vol 61, No 3 (2024), Pagination: 159-164
ABSTRACT |     Abstract Views: 13  | 

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