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Sridhar, M. S.

  • Social Technologies Sans Social Intelligence

  • Case Studies for Teaching Library Management

  • Waiting Lines Affect Customer Satisfaction in Service Delivery

  • Collaborative Memory Storing and Sharing

  • Extinction of Librarianship (Professional Identity Crises)

  • Privacy of Users and Co-Reader Analyses

  • Measuring Impact of Scholarly Journals

  • 'Fair Use', Contu Guidelines, Confu Guidelines and the DMCA

  • Scholarly Publishing at Cross Roads

  • Errors Are Not Just Errors

  • What AILS LIS Research?

  • Role of Statistical Skills in Communication

  • Information Sharing and Withholding Games

  • Resource Sharing among ISRO Libraries: A Case Study of Consortia Approach

  • Are Microforms Dead?

  • Role of Conspectus in Collection Management and Resource Sharing

  • Are Books 'Inferior Goods' of Leisure Industry?

  • Resource Sharing:Need for Bridging Gap between Idealistic Theoretical Slogans and Practitioners' Lax

  • Document Reservation Pattern in a Special Library: A Case Study

  • Problems and Choices in Procurement of Technical Reports

  • A Case Study of Lentout Use of a Special Library

  • A Sociometric Analysis of Informal Communication among Indian Satellite Technologists

  • Information Seeking Behaviour of the Indian Space Technologists

  • Non-Use and Non-Users of Libraries

  • Customer Participation in Service Production and Delivery System

  • Waiting Lines and Customer Satisfaction

  • Skill Requirements of LIS Professionals in the New E-World

  • Understanding the User - Why, What and How?

  • Future Libraries:Romance of LIS with Futurology

  • Reading Habit in the Internet Era*

  • Customer Satisfaction in Libraries

  • Knowledge Dilution, Pollution, and Burden in Digital Media