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On March 27, 1946, Uncle Ho called on the people to exercise: ‘Preserving democracy, building a new country, creating a new life, and everything needs health to succeed. A weak people make the country weak, a healthy people make the whole country ... ‘and thus:’ Exercise, health improvement is the duty of the patriot people ‘

Uncle Ho has affirmed the purpose of health training under the new regime, to build a civilized society. The purpose of physical education is to comprehensively develop the young generation of Vietnam, that young generation must be intentionally developed physically to realize the Party's and the State's comprehensive educational goals.

Physical education in general and school physical education subjects in particular, physical play an important role in comprehensive education. Physical education is a positive measure, which greatly affects student health, in order to provide students with basic motor skills and knowledge, as a basis for students and physical fitness new manners.

In high school students in general and middle school students in particular, the playfulness, innocence and hyperactivity are indispensable in them. Especially the physiological side of the children has many big changes. Therefore, in gymnastics, we should not follow the tendency of physical and mechanical exercise, causing children to be tired, stressed and bored, leading to counterproductive effects that must stimulate and affect activities. They work comprehensively mentally and psychologically in them, creating excitement, helping them to enjoy and practice better.

On the other hand, in fact, there are many different types of students in gymnastics, some of them have good health, some are of weak health, and some are born with disabilities. So what to do with those children who do not have to stand by and watch their practice but crave sadness. Must be like? What measures must be taken? A question is posed. So on the basis of physical education, with well-used methods that have important effects on the object of stimulating exercise, or encouragement, many other methods for children to practice. High health, good service for learning.

With the above urgent requirements, we decided to choose the topic:

‘Using a number of methods to stimulate interest in learning, help students become interested in learning good exercise.’

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