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Violence against women in conflict is systematic, premeditated, widespread and global. Attempts to curb the practice have yielded little result. Sexual violence is now being used as a weapon of war to conquer the adversary. This has been attributed to a multiplicity of factors such as treating women as chattels and among the spoils of war; destruction of the pride of the community; and punishment of the enemy. Other reasons include discrimination on grounds of gender and general breakdown of law and order. There are social, moral, cultural, physical, psychological and economic consequences which impact negatively on victims, their families and communities. Victims have to grapple with rejection, stigma, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, torture and economic destitution. The problem seems to have defied solutions proffered by states and the United Nations. This article suggests that the tide can be stemmed through provision of medical and psychological care; enforcement of laws that protect and promote women’s rights; ending discrimination and obnoxious customary practices and punishing perpetrators. It is further recommendation that women should be involved in peace processes, conflict resolution and post-war reconstruction.


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