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This article is based on the research results which aimed to find out the effect of income expectation, family environment, and entrepreneurship education on students’ entrepreneurship interest. This research used Likert Scale to measure attitudes, opinions, and perceptions related to the role of universities in producing your generation of entrepreneurs, especially students. The research results show that: (1) Indonesia needs to encourage the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia by applying entrepreneurship education in various levels of education. (2) In the era of AEC, Indonesia needs to focus on implementing entrepreneurship education in lecture level. Thus, universities are expected to produce competent young generation and can compete globally, both through entrepreneurial theory and practice. The younger generation should no longer see the AEC as a threat but should see it as a golden opportunity to be achieved instead. Therefore, entrepreneurship education implementation is the key for Indonesia to win the AEC competition. (3) Income affects student entrepreneurship interest. The higher the likelihood of income that will be achieved exceeds employees’ income, the greater students’ interest on entrepreneurship. (4) Family environment affects students’ interest on entrepreneurship. The more conducive the family environment and the surrounding society, the more it will encourage someone’s interest to become entrepreneurs than if they don’t get the support from their family or society. (5) Universities play a role in motivating students to become new entrepreneurs. Therefore, college need to prioritize education programs which capable of changing the mindset of either students or other youth as the agent of social change in order for them to have passion for entrepreneurship, so as to reduce the dependence on the availability of employment, transforming the job-seeker generation into the job-creating generation.

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