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Recent scholarly work and practice in students’ career development and assessment plans appear to be fraught with many challenges. Contextualizing views in many encounters, the realization is that, many graduate students seem not to deepen their research skills using the qualitative designs, precisely for the appropriate writing reports. This paper therefore examines; the qualitative design and challenges in thesis reporting, the case of graduate students of the Faculty of Educational Foundations, University of Cape Coast. The paper sets tone to address issues emerging from the existential and experiential points of view where much epistemology from early career researchers is hoped to provide relevant information for reporting, effective monitoring and restructuring of research seminars for graduate students. Participants interviewed on this investigation were 20 graduate students and 5 supervisors of the Faculty of Educational Foundations, University of Cape Coast. Qualitative data using the thematic approach was the tool employed for the discursive analysis. Responses from the majority of graduate students indicated that, valid opinion was due to the phenomenal cultural setting of research which used to be more of quantitative rather than qualitative. It is recommended that, workshops and seminars must be organised to help students develop interest in qualitative methodology and skills for quality reporting.

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