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Conflict of Interest among Women Employees as a Threat to Business Ecosystem

1 VTU, Indian Academy School of Management Studies, India

The impact of globalization and technological revolution has increased the opportunities for the women employees to work in the companies. The increased competition among the companies and the pressure to reach the target has forced the companies to give excess work load to complete within a limited time frame. This resulted in extended working hours and interference of work life into family life and from family life into work life causing conflict from both the domain. The ecosystem for a stable growth is disrupted due to these conflicting variables. For doing business a committed, enthusiastic workforce is required. This study tries to understand the personal factors and organizational factors that affect conflict among women employees. Study is related to women employees working in information technology companies. The personal factors like age, marital status from the personal side and work load and job satisfaction from organizational side towards work - life conflict is tested. The study found that young married women working in information technology companies have work-life conflict more than employees belonging to the other age group. It is also found that work load and work hours are also leading to work-life conflict. So for higher commitment and job satisfaction young female employees require more support from the organization for the business ecosystem to be stable and grow.


Age, Marital Status, Work Hours, Workload, Work-Life Conflict, Ecosystem, Business.
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  • Conflict of Interest among Women Employees as a Threat to Business Ecosystem

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Sheeja Krishnakumar
VTU, Indian Academy School of Management Studies, India


The impact of globalization and technological revolution has increased the opportunities for the women employees to work in the companies. The increased competition among the companies and the pressure to reach the target has forced the companies to give excess work load to complete within a limited time frame. This resulted in extended working hours and interference of work life into family life and from family life into work life causing conflict from both the domain. The ecosystem for a stable growth is disrupted due to these conflicting variables. For doing business a committed, enthusiastic workforce is required. This study tries to understand the personal factors and organizational factors that affect conflict among women employees. Study is related to women employees working in information technology companies. The personal factors like age, marital status from the personal side and work load and job satisfaction from organizational side towards work - life conflict is tested. The study found that young married women working in information technology companies have work-life conflict more than employees belonging to the other age group. It is also found that work load and work hours are also leading to work-life conflict. So for higher commitment and job satisfaction young female employees require more support from the organization for the business ecosystem to be stable and grow.


Age, Marital Status, Work Hours, Workload, Work-Life Conflict, Ecosystem, Business.
